Hi, I’m Johannes Vogt, a software developer and machine learning enthusiast.
Starting with self-taught Visual Basic and C++ in 2005, today I’m focussed on creating web apps and cloud services in JavaScript, training machine learning models in Python and writing a considerable amount of Bash for all the automation.
Some highlights include:
- a fluid simulation in Python (2008)
- balancing an inverse pendulum using a ball mouse (2011)
- designing the challenges for the LEGO Mindstorm competion and leading it as judge during the University of Heidelberg’s “Lange Nacht der Robotik” (2012 & 2013)
- bomberchamp
- Icon GAN
- snakey.io
Since 2016 I’ve been working at SAP, developing innovative technologies like indoor navigation and core cloud services. I like to keep the big picture in mind and dive deep into complex topics together with my colleagues.